Procedure to Cancel Ejar Contract Online

This article will walk you through the process of canceling or terminating your Ejar contract online. To cancel your Ejar contract or to stop its automatic renewal online, you must do the following:

  • Create an account on the Ejar website.
  • To access your account, navigate to
  • To access the tenancy contract, click on the “Tenancy Contract” tab.
  • From the drop-down list, select “Contract List.”

Then, on the rental agreement you wish to cancel or terminate, click the view button.

Simply scroll down until you see the button to cancel the contract or prevent it from renewing automatically through the Ejar system.

Cancel Automatic Renewal

If you wish to continue the current rental agreement but do not want it to be renewed automatically, you should click the “Discontinue Automatic Renewal” button.

Unless one of the parties cancels automatic renewal 60 days prior to the contract’s expiration, the Ejar contract is automatically renewed.

Early Termination

If you wish to terminate or cancel the Ejar contract online prior to the contract’s expiration, you must follow the below steps;

  • To terminate a contract, click the “Terminate Contract” button.
  • Reason for Termination: Inability to continue with the contract.
  • Date of Termination: Enter a date.
  • Then, click on “Confirm“.

If the landlord agrees to the early termination, you may vacate the premises and hand over the keys to the landlord.

However, if the landlord does not agree to early termination of the Ejar contract, the contract will remain active and the landlord may later file a lawsuit to recover the rent.

Therefore, it is preferable to resolve the situation with the landlord by introducing a new tenant and transferring the Ejar contract to his name.

When the contract is terminated or expires, the tenant is required to return the flat/house in the same condition in which it was acquired.

You can always contact Ejar’s helpline at 9200 05226 if you have any questions.