Saudi Professional Verification Program: All You Need To Know

Professional Verification Program in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia launched the Professional Verification program to ensure that all skilled workers in the Kingdom have the necessary skills to perform the occupation for which they were hired. The program is aimed at examining all skilled workers from their home country itself before they come into the Kingdom as well as all skilled workers who are already in the Kingdom.

The following are some facts about the skill verification program.

Skill Verification Program Covered Occupations

According to the Qiwa portal, Professional Verification Program currently applies to these occupations:

  • Electrician
  • Automotive Mechanics
  • Automotive Electrician
  • Welding
  • Painting
  • Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
  • Car Body Repair
  • Carpenter
  • Plumbing

Exam Duration

The duration of the skill verification exam is 120 minutes.

What type of exam is this?

The professional verification exam is made up of two parts: one that is practical and one that is theoretical.

Available Languages for the Exam

The following languages are available for the skill verification exam: Arabic, English, Hindi, Urdu, and Filipino.

Identification documents required for the test

You will need to bring your original Iqama, passport, and exam ticket with you to the examination centre.

How long is the test valid?

The skill verification examination is valid for a period of five years.

Is the skill verification test Mandatory?

It is mandatory in Saudi Arabia to pass a skill verification test.

How many tries can the test taker have?

According to the qiwa portal, test-takers have no limit on how many times they can take the exam.

If the practical examination is passed but the theoretical examination is not, is the theoretical examination only repeated?

No, you need to retake the whole test.

Is there a fee for re-examing?

Yes, you must pay a fee for re-examination.

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