Easily Check the Validity of Your Visit Visa Insurance Online

Visit Visa Insurance Check Online

Having valid health insurance is a requirement for obtaining and renewing a visit visa in Saudi Arabia. The Council of Health Insurance (CHI) website now allows you to check the status of your visit visa insurance. In this article, we will guide you through the process of checking your insurance status on the CHI website.

How to Check Your Visit Visa Insurance Status Online

Checking the status and expiry date of your visit visa insurance on the CHI website is simple and easy. All you need is your passport number. Follow these steps:

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  1. Go to the CHI website‘s visitor insurance Inquiry page: https://eservices.chi.gov.sa/Pages/ClientSystem/CheckVisitorsInsurance.aspx
  2. Enter your Passport Number
  3. Input the “Image Code” and click “Ok.”
  4. The next page will display the complete information of your insurance policy linked to your visit visa.


In conclusion, verifying the validity of your visit visa insurance is an important step in preparing for your trip to Saudi Arabia. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can easily check your insurance status on the Council of Health Insurance (CHI) website. This ensures that you have the proper coverage in place and can avoid any potential issues during your visit. By taking the time to check your insurance status, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are fully prepared for your trip.

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