How to Use Mada Card for Online Shopping

Mada Card in Saudi Arabia

The Mada card is a debit card issued by local banks in Saudi Arabia that allows cardholders to access funds in their accounts. It also works with the same mechanism of regular ATM cards with newer standards of security and added-value features.

The Mada card connects all automated teller machines (ATMs) and point-of-sale (POS) terminals throughout the Kingdom to a central payment switch that in turn re-routes the financial transactions between a merchant’s bank and the card issuer bank.

Read: How to Open New Account with Al Rajhi Bank Online

How to use a Mada card for Online Shopping

In order to use the Mada card for online purchases or online payments you have to enable the service through ATM or online banking. For better security, you may disable the feature after the purchase is done.

To purchase online with your mada card requires the following information:

  • Card Number
  • Name Printed on Card
  • Card Expiry Date
  • CVV Number
mada card online shopping

Once you proceed with payment from a website you will get a similar window like below,

mada header en

Enter the required information and proceed

In the next step, you will receive an OTP in your registered mobile number, enter the OTP and complete the purchase.

That’s all. By following these simple steps, you can use your Mada card issued in Saudi Arabia to shop online.