Zain Loan/Advance Credit: Everything You Need To Know

Zain Advance Credit Service

Are you in need of extra credit or a bundle on your Zain prepaid account but don’t have the funds available at the moment? Look no further, as Zain’s Credit/Loan service is here to help. With this service, prepaid users can easily get an instant balance or a bundle (data and voice) and pay it back later on their next recharge. In this blog post, we will be providing a step-by-step guide on how to apply for and use the Zain Loan service, so you can stay connected and stay on top of your finances. Whether you’re in a bind or just need a little extra credit to get you through the month, this service is a great option for prepaid Zain customers.

Available Credit and Bundle Options with Zain Advance Loan Service

With Zain Advance Credit service, users have the ability to obtain a balance of up to 75 SAR or a data package of up to 1 GB or a mixed bundle of voice and data whenever they run out of their main balance or are in need of credit. The credit or bundle will be automatically deducted from the customer’s next recharge, along with any applicable fees. This service can be used for both local and international calls, SMS, and data usage.

How to Get Zain Loan or Advance Credit

To obtain the maximum amount of Zain Credit, up to 75 SAR, send ‘1’ to 700900 or dial*900*1#.

Steps to Obtain Zain Credit for Data

To obtain the maximum Data bundle of up to 1 GB, send ‘D’ to 700900.

How to Get Zain Mix Bundle

To access the maximum Mix bundle (Voice + Data) available, send ‘Mix’ to 700900.

In conclusion, the Zain Advance Credit/Loan service is a great option for prepaid customers who need extra credit or a bundle. The service offers a variety of options, including a balance of up to 75 SAR, a data package of up to 1 GB, or a mixed bundle of voice and data. The credit or bundle will be automatically deducted from the customer’s next recharge, along with any applicable fees. This service can be used for both local and international calls, SMS, and data usage. The process of obtaining the credit/bundle is simple, by sending a code to 700900 or dialing a number, and it’s a great way to stay connected and manage your finances. We hope this step-by-step guide has been helpful in understanding the Zain Advance Credit/Loan service and how to use it.

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