How to Pay Traffic Violations Online in Saudi Arabia

Pay Traffic Violations Online

Paying traffic violations on time is always a good idea. Each time you get a traffic ticket in Saudi Arabia it will be recorded on your Iqama number in the MOI system. You must pay traffic violations within 30 days to avoid doubling the amount. If there is an unpaid traffic penalty on your Iqama, you will not be able to renew it or issue an exit re-entry visa or final exit visa. Here is how to pay for the traffic violations on Iqama through online banking.

How to Pay Traffic Violations on Iqama by Internet Banking

Launch your online banking account (any bank) here we are demonstrating with Al Rajhi online banking

Pay Traffic Penalty Through Online Banking

Once you log in to your online banking, select “Payments” then “SADAD” and choose “MOI Payments”

Pay Iqama Fine Online

Select “Traffic Violations

How to Pay Mukhalafa Online

Select Transaction Type as “Payment”

Application Type as “Query by Civilian ID” or “Query by Violation ID”

Enter your Iqama Number in the “Violator ID”.

Pay Iqama Violations Online

You will be able to see the number of Traffic Violations on Iqama with violation numbers and amounts.

Click on “Confirm” to complete the payment.