How to Find Kafeel’s Name, ID and Mobile Number

As an expat worker in Saudi Arabia, it is important to have accurate information about your kafeel or sponsor. Your kafeel is responsible for your visa, employment, and other important aspects of your life in the country. In this blog article, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to find your kafeel’s name, sponsor ID, and mobile number online. By following these steps, you can ensure that you have all of the necessary information on hand to facilitate any interactions or communications with your kafeel.

How to Find Kafeel Name and ID on Absher

You can locate your Sponsor ID and Name on absher online by following the steps below.

  • Go to the Absher website:
  • Select “Individuals.”
  • Log in to your account with your username and password.
how to check sponsor id number, kafeel name
  • Select the “Dashboard” from the top menu.
  • Then, click on “More Details.”
sponsor id, kafeel name check,

In the following window, you will see your Kafeel name and Identification number (bataqa number), as well as other personal information displayed.

sponsor name, sponsor id

How to Find Sponsor ID on Your Passport

You can locate your Saudi Sponsor Name and ID Number on the Visa page of your passport. To find this information, simply open the visa-stamped page of your passport, and you will see your sponsor’s ID and name listed there.

sponsor name and id in passport, kafeel name in passport

How to Check Kafeel Mobile Number

To find your Kafeel’s mobile number in Saudi Arabia online, you can register for an account on the GOSI website ( To create an account, you will need to provide your iqama number, mobile number, and email address. Once you have successfully registered and logged in to your account, look for the option called “Certificates and Letters” and click on “Release Certificate.” This will send a document to your email address, which will include your Kafeel’s mobile number.


In conclusion, it is important to know your sponsor’s name, ID, and mobile number in Saudi Arabia, as this information may be required for various legal and practical purposes. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily find this information online. By taking the time to find and record this information, you can ensure that you have the necessary documentation and contact details for your sponsor in case of any emergencies or legal requirements.

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