How To Check Your Final Exit Visa Status

What is a Final Exit Visa

If you are an expatriate residing in Saudi Arabia and wish to permanently leave the country, you will need to obtain a Final Exit Visa, also known as a Khurooj Nihai. This visa ensures that your employer grants you permission to depart permanently and also enables you to return to Saudi Arabia with a new visa. In this article, we will explain two methods for checking the status of your final exit visa.

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How to Check Final Exit Visa Status on the MOL website

The simplest way to check your final exit visa is through the MOL KSA website. All you need to verify your visa status is your ID number. You can utilize your Iqama number, Border Number, or Passport number to check the khurooj nihai status. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the MOL website:
  2. Enter your Iqama number, passport number, or border number in the top field.
  3. Then, enter the image code and click the “green” button.

Next, you will be able to view the results and check your employment status. If your employer has already issued your final exit visa, you will see a “خروج نهائي” (khurooj nihai) status in the employment field. If your final exit has not been issued yet, you will see the status “على رأس العمل” (ala ras alamal), indicating that you are still on the job.

How to Check Final Exit Visa Status on Absher

Alternatively, you can also check your final visa status on the Absher platform and here are the simple steps:

final exit visa check on absher
  1. Go to the Absher website:
  2. Select “Individuals.
  3. Select English.
  4. Log in to your Absher account.
  5. Go to the “Dashboard
  6. Click on “More Details” under your name tab.
  7. Scroll down and look for “Visa Class” under “Visa Information.”

If your final exit visa has been issued, your Visa Class will show as “FINAL.”

In conclusion, it is crucial to ensure that your final exit visa is issued before departing Saudi Arabia. By following these simple steps, you can guarantee that you are legally permitted to leave the kingdom and can return at a later date with a new visa. Hope the article helps.

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